To Those Waiting for the “Right Moment”

Ant Medaglia
3 min readJan 7, 2024

Let’s keep it simple. I’ll keep it anticlimactic to those who will scroll to look for the answer: There is None.

To those who aren’t going to continue to read my insight, please make sure to clap and comment before leaving!

To the fantastic individuals looking for motivation or points of self-development from online writers, in my generational language, I got you. If you find yourself acting lackadaisical about things you internally know you want or must do eventually, what exactly are you waiting for? Ah, yes, the perfect time that you have envisioned in your mind. Most people will come up with some elaborate excuse about what or when they are waiting for, but in reality, there is no better time than right now.

Whether it’s a decision about starting a side hustle, starting the gym, moving out, or any other life change that comes with commitment, fear, and risk. The answer is always, just do it now. Right now is the perfect moment. Perhaps I am just “Built Different,” as my generation says, and simply love trying new things and have no fear of failure. Honestly, though, what is the hold-up if we stop and think about something we’ve been putting off that we want but takes energy to start? Is it just going to show up at your door one day? There is no better time than this one right now, the present!



Ant Medaglia

Physical Education Teacher • M.Ed School Counseling • Ed.S Professional Counseling • Business Owner • Freelance Writer