Tips To Cushion An Oncoming “Anxiety Spiral”
Take control of your habits. Take control of your life.
At one point in your life, the person reading this you probably have experienced a feeling of uneasiness. Some may feel these emotions and sensations more often than others, and others may handle the feeling completely different than that same person. At the end of the day however the one commonality is the petrifying name of this dreadful feeling and emotion everybody, including myself so desperately push away, “ANXIETY.” Just the word itself at times gives me anxiety, which is actually quite humorous, until I spiral. Then it’s not funny. An Anxiety spiral in general terms is having common anxiety and then amplifying the feelings and sensations causing potential panic, severe fear, sadness, and can for some become debilitating, like it has for me at multiple points in my lifetime thus far. My sole reason for putting together this article is to share my experiences in recovery, day to day healing and most importantly helping the millions of warriors whom struggle with these feelings of unease know that they are not even close to being alone!
Before I jump into what I’d like to share, I would like to state that I am not a professional of any sort regarding mental health as of this moment. All the writing in this piece is strictly based off of my personal experiences, strategies, coping…