How I View Being a Friend of Medium

Ant Medaglia
2 min readFeb 5, 2024

If I’m being honest, I haven’t done an ounce of research on the benefits of being a friend of Medium, other than learning that writers earn 4x the profits from other FOM who engage! That was all I needed to hear, and now I am Medium’s best friend!

Keep in mind that I truly enjoy writing. It’s a relaxing hobby, and I believe I can get better and eventually make freelance income with enough consistency. This belief hasn’t changed since I wrote my first article in 2020. I find writing therapeutic, as most writers do.

Investing $14.99 a month into the status is perfect for those who want to grow as a writer. That’s right, I view the Friend of Medium membership as an investment. From what I understand, payyou no direct perks other than a luxurious profile badge, but i; itows the community you are passionate about. Many people (including myself) expect to write a couple stories and just make a few hundred dollars! Unfortunately, in relation to wishful thinking, most sustainable things in life take lots of work and consistency.

How To Enhance The Investment

By electing to invest in your hobby and becoming a friend of Medium, I have noticed that there are a few key components to make the most of the experience:



Ant Medaglia

Physical Education Teacher • M.Ed School Counseling • Ed.S Professional Counseling • Business Owner • Freelance Writer